Large Take Me Out to the Ball Game - Baseball Fan Push Pin Map of MLB Ballparks
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Baseball fans can keep track of the parks they've visited on our push pin maps of the 'Baseball country'.
This map features the title 'Take Me out to the Ball Game' and outlines of the continental US and up into Canada to Montreal in white on a bblack background. The maps measure 20x16” in a slightly larger white frame. It will be ready to ship in 1-3 business days.
Our handmade baseball pins are an ideal accessory for this map. Most teams and even some ballparks have their own lapel pins that you can get at the ballpark. Our pins are handy for parks you have already visited, and along the eastern seaboard where a number of teams are in a small space.
This map is already framed and finished. Bespoke map options are available through our online store. Our maps are all lovingly designed and framed in Ontario, Canada.